Open Access Resources

Finding OA Sources

In the library catalog, you can limit your search results to open access content using a post-search filter:

screencast of using open access filter in the library catalog

Williams Libraries' Commitment to OA

Williams Libraries participate in building an open knowledge community through producing and hosting open digital content, working with library systems built on open source software, supporting open access publishing initiatives beyond Williams, and by supporting faculty and staff in understanding the opportunities to participate in open as researchers, writers, creators, editors, and more.

Williams hosted open access content

Available on the Williams Digital Collections.[DESCRIBE]

Open Sources systems the library relies on

  • ArchiveSpace. A not-for-profit, open source archives management application that provides web access to archives, manuscripts, and digital objects for cultural heritage and educational institutions around the globe. It supports the management and control of archives information. Archives Space has historically demonstrated the advantages of open source software by being community-driven and community responsive in its development and support. Williams College is an institutional member of ArchivesSpace and participated in funding and governing the project, when Archiv
  • Zotero. Open source citation management software that we support along-side proprietary tools 

[NOTES: isn't there more?] 

Support to Open Access Publishing 

Williams Libraries supports several open publishing initiatives: