Publication Dates: 1926-Present Covers language, literature, linguistics, and related areas such as film and television. Includes references to journal articles, book chapters, and dissertations.
Publication Dates: 1400-Present Contains reprints of scholarly criticism and popular commentary on literary works. Includes contemporary reviews as well as recent scholarship.
Publication Dates: 1975-Present Searches arts and humanities journal articles. Allows you to find authors who cited an article and track research moving backward and forward in time through a discipline.
Publication Dates: 1953-Present Historical Time Period: 15th century-Present Covers world history and culture (excluding U.S. and Canada). Contains summaries of scholarly articles, books, and more.
Publication Dates: 1929-Present Searches Art Index and Art Abstracts together. Includes scholarly articles in art, architecture, and other related subjects, with an emphasis on Western art.