MUS 133: Musics of the Spanish Colonial Empire, ca. 1500-1800

Need help?

Emery bitmoji

Emery Shriver
Music Librarian

Pronouns: he/they

Upcoming Workshops



Emery bitmojiHi there!

I'm Emery, and I'm the music librarian.

I've put together this research guide for you.  It's a collection of videos, search tools, and tips and tricks to help with your assignment. 

Feel free to explore what's here in a way that works best for you.

If you have any questions along the way, about this guide or about your assignment, I'm here to help!  You'll find my contact info on every page: we can connect over email, by phone, or you can schedule a one-on-one research appointment with me.

Not sure where to start? The playlist on this page has a number of videos that introduce you to library services, including the library catalog, borrowing from other libraries, and choosing a database.
