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COMP 111: The Nature of Narrative: 2024 Workshop

Activity #1

Goal of activity: Locate books in the library catalog 

  1. Search the library catalog for book title assigned to your table 
  2. Limit your search results to books  (exclude other type of sources)  and to Sawyer Library
  3. Write down the call # for the book 

TABLE 1:  Lais  (by Marie de France) 

TABLE 2:  Tale of Genji 

TABLE 3: The Odyssey

TABLE 4:  Beowulf

TABLE 5: Hadji Murat

Activity #2

Goal of activity: Locate literary criticism 

  1. Search the library catalog for materials about the book (or about the author) 
  2. What type of materials are you finding? 
  3. Limit your search results to books and to Sawyer Library
  4. Write down the call # of the books you find 

Activity #3

Goal of activity: locate books in the stacks 

  1. Go find the books you identified in the stacks (using the call numbers you identified) 
  2. Once you have locate  the book(s), stop and take a minute to observe around you. Look at the stacks above, below, around the corner. What do you notice? What surprises you? 
  3. Bring back all the books that you find interesting back to the classrom