HIST 152: The Fourteenth Amendment and the Meanings of Equality: Finding Scholarly Articles

The Fourteenth Amendment and the Meanings of Equality
Professor: Sara Dubow
Spring 2020

Best Bet Library Databases

Use the database below to find articles on a topic.

Additional Resources

If you are researching a lesser-known person or event, you may want to search full-text e-journals collections below. See also the full list of databases and limit to related disciplines.

America: History and Life Search Tips

  • Start your search by doing keyword searches.
  • Look at the subject headings of relevant records to determine the terminology used in the database for your topic. 
  • Combine the keywords "review article" or "historiography" with your topic to find analyses of the scholarship on your topic.
  • Use the Language Limit to remove items in languages you cannot read.
  • Use the Historical Period limit to narrow your search to the time period you are researching.

Research Tip: Find Text Button

The Find Text Button

Many of our databases have this SFX Find Text Button button, which searches for the full-text of the article in our collections. If we don't have it electronically, look for the "Request article scan" link in the "Get It" section.

screenshot of Get It section with link

Research Tip: Proxy Server

Researching Off Campus

Many of the resources on the A-Z Databases page are accessible anywhere you have an Internet connection. However, you will need to authenticate yourself as a Williams user

If you need help, just ask!