AFR 233: Colonialism, Capitalism, and Climate Crisis

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Where should I look?

Most research is interdisciplinary, but many library research tools are subject- or discipline-specific.  So how do you know which one to use?  Here are some questions that can help:

  • Who might have something to say on this topic? Economists? Justice scholars? Environmental Scientists?
    Identifying which disciplines are concerned with your topic can help you choose a research tool.
  • Whose voices do I want to hear?
    A given subject, like green technologies or climate justice, can be examined through a variety of critical frameworks, or lenses.  Deciding which "lens" you want to use can help you decide where to look for sources.
  • What time period am I interested in?
    Is your research question focused on the past, present, or future?  Some research tools are better for finding historical sources, and others are better for contemporary topics.
  • Do I have to choose a discipline?
    If you're not sure, there are research tools that are multidisciplinary.  You can start there and then narrow your search if necessary.

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Emery Shriver
Research Services
Sawyer Library