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ANTH 262: Language and Power: In-Class Activity - Taxonomies

Professor Joel Lee

Taxonomies in Databases

In this activity you will explore the library's subscription databases and look at how they organize information. 

  1. Get to the A-Z List of Databases
    1. Start at the library website: 
    2. Under Doing Research, select E-Resources/Databases 
  2. Select a database
    1. Explore the list of databases either by Subjects or by Types 
    2. Select one database of interest (either for this course, or for any other topics you might be researching)
  3. Search the database
    1. Run any search using keyword or subjects
    2. Consider the taxonomies in this database : are there any?  what type? who created them? 
    3. Enter in the chat the name of the database you looked at 
  4. Be prepared to discuss the following during our debriefing time: 
  • What term(s) did you start out with? 

  • What is the actual authorized form for this term in this database? 

  • How is the the controlled vocabulary created in this database?