RLSP 209: Spanish for Heritage Speakers: Class Activities

Activity 1 - Sharing your topic idea

Time: 10 mn 

Goal: Share your topic idea(s) and see if others have related topics 

  1. Turn to the person next to you and share your idea for a research topic 
  2. Go to this Jamboard 
    • Using the Sticky Note Tool (in toolbar on left) enter your idea for a topic
    • Add your name, or initials to the post-it

Activity 2 - Generating search terms

Time: 5 mn 

Goal: Generate a list of search keywords 

  1. Write down a list of keywords (English and Spanish) that describe your topic 
  2. Exchange sheets with the person next to you and add keywords to each others' sheets 

Activity 3 - Using the library catalog

Time: 10 mn 

Goal: Explore the library catalog (search engine) to search for books and articles in Spanish 

  1. Go to library.williams.edu
  2. Do keywords searches in the library catalog (the search box) 
  3. Scan the result list and refine your search if needed 
  4. Remember to use the filters for Language, Resource Type, and to select Peer-Reviewed Journals in the Availability 
  5. Save references to articles / books you may want to go back to later

Activity 4 - Specialized databases

Time: 5 mn 

Goal: Know how to locate the library's databases and how to identify relevant databases

  1. Go to the A-Z list of databases
  2. Using the All Subjects filter identify one database you would like to explore 
  3. Share the name of the database you selected in this shared document
  4. Explore the database for materials on your topic 
  5. Be prepare to describe the database when we regroup