Understanding citations to Classical texts

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Emery Shriver
Classics Librarian



Where can I find a list of abbreviations?

  1. Start with the source where you found the abbreviation.  There may be a list of sources used (with their abbreviations).
    Image of a page from "The symposion in ancient Greek society and thought" listing abbreviations used in the text.
  2. Check the Oxford Classical Dictionary (linked from the 'Books Referenced" box).  There is a list of abbreviations in the beginning.
  3. Consult the Greek-English Lexicon (linked from the 'Books Referenced" box) or online list of abbreviations from an earlier edition.
  4. Use the abbreviations provided by the Perseus Digital Library.
  5. For Journal Abbreviations, consult this list of journals consulted in the L'Année philologique.
  6. Ask for help!  Librarians at Williams are always happy to help you decipher citations.

Books Referenced