How to Find U. S. Congressional Debates

The Congressional Record and its predecessors


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Tath Haver
Research Services
Sawyer Library

About U.S. Congressional Speeches and Debates

The current Congressional Record and its predecessors are substantially verbatim accounts of remarks made during the open floor proceedings of the House and Senate. These accounts do not include what is said during Congressional Committee Hearings. Official Reporters and Member offices edit and add text following the proceedings, after which the text of amendments, conference reports, and some bills and resolutions are added. 

1873 - present: the Congressional Record from the Government Printing Office (GPO) more

1834 -1873: the Congressional Globe published Congressional Debates and Proceedings more

1824 - 1837: the Register of Debates is a record of the Congressional Debates more

1798 - 1825: the Annals of Congress is a record of Congressional Debates more

Additional Resources for Congress