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Engaged Scholarship: Getting Started

Guide for Engaged Scholarship, sometimes known as Community Engaged Scholarship.

Making it happen

This research guide will introduce you to resources for engaged scholarship. In particular, it will focus on learning about an issue, learning about a place or local community, working ethically and humbly with community partners, and sharing findings in a variety of arenas. 

Learning about issues and policy

Learning about a Place

Different Kinds of Data:

You will work with different kinds of sources to learn about a place. In your work, you will seldom have time to collect your own primary data, and will often be using collected, secondary, data. 

Quantitative statistics, such as data from federal agencies can be found more easily at the cost of specificity. Local quantiative data, can be more difficult to find, may no longer exist, or may have never been collected. 

Qualitative information from planning commissions, non-profits, task forces, and think tanks can be helpful in getting a perspective with focused context, such as how transportation modes impact access to health care.


Different Kinds of Literature

Grey Literature

Grey literature is information produced by organizations outside of traditional commerical and academic publishing and distribution channels.

Academic Literature

Literature coming from within academia, written for an academic audience. Is often times peer-reviewed. 

Government Information

Information published by the Government Printing Office, a Federal Agency, A state government/agency, a local agency. 

Commercial Information