Doing Research in English

Scholarship is a Conversation

The image below is a citation map from Web of Science for the article Sherman, Gary D., Jonathan Haidt, and James A. Coan. "Viewing cute images increases behavioral carefulness." Emotion 9, no. 2 (2009): 282.

"BACK" shows the sources cited by Sherman, Haidt, and Coan to help to make their argument and build on previous scholarship. The "FWD" part of the map shows the many articles that have cited this article and have moved the conversation forward.

Citation Map


Databases for Citation Searching

See our Citation Searching guide for details on how to do citation searches.

Journal Rankings

Journal rankings may give you a sense of the scholarly weight of a journal. One freely available source is SCImago Journal & Country Rank.

Here's the 2019 rankings for Literature and Literary Theory.