Literature Review: A Self-Guided Tutorial

Research Tip: Find Text Button

The Find Text Button

Many of our databases have this SFX Find Text Button button, which searches for the full-text of the article in our collections. If we don't have it electronically, look for the "Request article scan" link in the "Get It" section.

screenshot of Get It section with link

Research Tip: Unpaywall

Use Unpaywall

image of laptop woth green unpaywall icon, indicating the article is available for freeUnpaywall is an open database of millions of free scholarly articles. It includes open access content from over 50,000 publishers and repositories, and makes it easy to find, track, and use.
After you install the browser extension, look for the icon to see if what you want is available for free.

Accessing the Next Page of This Tutorial

The next section of this tutorial, "Citation Searching," connects to another how-to guide. Please right click on the "Next" button below and open it in a new window or tab so that you will still have the main Literature Review tutorial available. You can also click the link in the navigation and it will automatically open in another tab.