RLSP 301: Cervantes' "Don Quijote"

Professor: Leyla Rouhi

Activity #1. Broad Searching

  1. Go to the library webpage: library.williams.edu 
  2. Search for information about Cervantes and Don Quijote 
  3. What strategies can you use to refine your search results? 

We will discuss your findings as a group 


Activity #2. Specialized Searching

Group #1 - MLA Bibliography

  1. Go to the library's A-Z list of databases and select the MLA Bibliography 
  2. Search for information about Cervantes and Don Quijote 
  3. What type of sources are you finding? 
  4. How can you refine your searches? 


Group #2 - Proquest Dissertations & Theses

  1. Go to the library's A-Z list of databases and select the Proquest Dissertations & Theses Global
  2. Search for information about Cervantes and Don Quijote 
  3. What type of sources are you finding? 
  4. How can you refine your searches? 


Group #3 - Literature Criticism Online

  1. Go to the library's A-Z list of databases and select the Literature Criticism Online 
  2. Search for information about Cervantes and Don Quijote 
  3. What type of sources are you finding? 
  4. How can you refine your searches? 


Group #4 - Dialnet

  1. On the course guide, go to the section about Finding Articles (under Search Tools) 
  2. Go to the section about  Open Access Journal Collections and connect to Dialnet 
  3. What type of sources are you finding? 
  4. How can you refine your searches? 

Activity #3. Evaluating Sources