Group #1 - MLA Bibliography
- Go to the library's A-Z list of databases and select the MLA Bibliography
- Search for information about Cervantes and Don Quijote
- What type of sources are you finding?
- How can you refine your searches?
Group #2 - Proquest Dissertations & Theses
- Go to the library's A-Z list of databases and select the Proquest Dissertations & Theses Global
- Search for information about Cervantes and Don Quijote
- What type of sources are you finding?
- How can you refine your searches?
Group #3 - Literature Criticism Online
- Go to the library's A-Z list of databases and select the Literature Criticism Online
- Search for information about Cervantes and Don Quijote
- What type of sources are you finding?
- How can you refine your searches?
Group #4 - Dialnet
- On the course guide, go to the section about Finding Articles (under Search Tools)
- Go to the section about Open Access Journal Collections and connect to Dialnet
- What type of sources are you finding?
- How can you refine your searches?