Search the LIBRARY CATALOG for books by combining keywords such as:
When you find a relevant item, click the DETAILS TAB view the complete library record. This will tell you which library the book is located in and if it is available for check-out. Scroll down to see SUBJECT HEADINGS assigned to the item of interest. SUBJECT HEADINGS link together like items. Click a subject heading to find related materials.
Books are organized on the shelves according to topic, so once you find a promising source, text yourself the call number, and then go to the shelves and look at the books around it for related works.
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Call us at 413-597-4500
Text us at 413-648-6071
Stop by during our service hours.
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If we don't own a book, or if our copy is checked out, you can borrow a copy from another library. Just search for the book in Williams WorldCat, and then choose "Request Item" to borrow it.
If you need help, just ask!