Year | Congress | Text / Summary (if available) | Status | Related Documents |
1993 - present | 103rd - present | GPO | GPO | ProQuest Congressional |
1973 - 1993 | 93rd - 102nd | (summary only) |
ProQuest Congressional | ProQuest Congressional |
1936 - 1970 | 74th - 91st | Digest of public general bills ... SAWYER KF18 .L5 (summary only) |
ProQuest Congressional | ProQuest Congressional |
1909 - 1949 | 61st - 95th | HeinONLINE History of Bills & Resolutions | HeinONLINE History of Bills & Resolutions | ProQuest Congressional |
1873 - 1909 | 43rd - 61st | ProQuest Congressional | ProQuest Congressional | ProQuest Congressional |
pre-1873 | 1st - 42nd | A Century of Lawmaking: Bills & Resolutions | ProQuest Congressional | ProQuest Congressional |