All departments and programs are assigned a librarian and an instructional technologist to support the teaching and research needs of their faculty and students. Instructional technologists and librarians are available to consult and work to support you as a teacher, researcher, author, and learner.
Liaison Librarians:
Academic Technology Consultants:
The Academic Technology group works to enhance the teaching, learning and scholarly work of the College through the creative and sustainable application of technology. Academic Technology liaisons:
Special Collections Librarians
Schow and Sawyer Libraries
Materials in Schow and Sawyer libraries are discoverable through the library catalog.The catalog provides a simple, one-stop search for books, e-books, videos, articles and digital media. It includes:
Special Collections
While many materials from College Archives and Chapin Library are discoverable through the library catalog, several collections are not yet cataloged. For more information, contact Special Collections.
Articles Databases and E-Journals
The library provides access to a comprehensive collection of e-journals and databases across disciplines. For a list of electronic resources, consult our A-Z Databases list. If you need access to a database not listed, contact your collection liaison.