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Spouses/Partners: Library Services

Spouses and partners of college employees have access to many of the library's resources and services. Some services are open, while others require a Williams login. 

Services Available to All Spouses/Partners

As the spouse/partner of a Williams employee, you may: 

* not all electronic content is openly available. Some e-books and databases require a login

Services Requiring a Williams Login

Access to these services requires a Research Associate affiliation. 

How to Request A Research Associate Affiliation

  1. Visit the Spouse/Partner web site 
  2. In the Ways to Connect section, go to Spouse/Partner Information Form
  3. In the Resources section of the form, click YES to the question "Do you want to discuss being considered for the Research Associate affiliation?" 

For questions and additional information contact Cecilia Hirsch, Spouse Partner Resources Manager (x4587)

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