Library Streaming Videos: Platforms & Features

Features of Library Streaming Video Platforms

Alexander Street Press Kanopy Swank Digital Campus
Description Includes documentaries, interviews, performances, news programs and newsreels, field recordings, commercials, and raw footage. Includes Academic Video Online, Dance in Video, Opera in Video, and Theatre in Video channels. Includes world cinema, independent films, documentaries, and instructional videos. Faculty can suggest to Kanopy titles that should be added to the platform. Contains 1,000 of the most popular feature films and documentaries used in academic courses. Faculty can request additional titles from the full Swank catalog.
Instructor Tools
Need to create an account? Yes to create clips. Yes to save videos to a watchlist, create clips and playlists, and view through mobile and TV apps. Yes to search full Swank catalog and request titles for licensing.
How to link/embed in Glow See this OIT FAQ about embedding videos, but choose Alexander Street Press instead of Course Media Gallery. Share link or Embed Copy Direct Link or LMS Link
Can create clips? Yes Yes No
Can create playlists? Not yet in new interface. Yes No
Has active learning/engagement features? Students can create and share clips (account required). The clip would need to be set as "visible within your institution" to share with professor and classmates (and would be visible to anyone at Williams who views the video). The description field could be used for annotations or an essay. Students can create clips and playlists (account required). Clips can be shared privately with professor and classmates. The description field could be used for annotations or an essay. No
Viewer Experience
Has closed captions? Yes Yes (request for older titles) Yes
Has subtitles? Yes Yes Yes
Has transcripts? Yes Yes No
Has a mobile app? No - interface is "mobile-first" design Yes Yes
Can use streaming device to watch on TV? No Yes Yes