English 302

"A language to hear myself": Advanced Studies in Feminist Poetry and Poetics Professor: Bethany HicokSpring 2023

Got a citation but don't know how to find it?

Maybe your professor recommended a source for your research or you found something cited in a bibliography that you want to read. See the steps below for how to get it.

If you don't have the full citation information about the source, try searching in Google, Google Scholar, or Google Books to see if you can find someone who has fully cited the source. You can also Ask a Librarian for help.

Step 1: Identify What Type of Source is Cited

There are distinctive features of a citation (highlighted in red below) that help you to determine what type of source it is:

Tom Nairn, Faces of Nationalism: Janus Revisited. New York: Verso, 1997, 17.

The distinctive feature of a book citation is the publishing place and name of the publisher.

Journal Articles
 Ilya Bodonski, "Caring among the Forgotten," Journal of Social Activism 14, no.3 (1989): 117.

Journal article citations have a title enclosed in quotation marks as well as volume and issue numbers. Instead of volume and issue, magazine and newspaper article citations have a month and year or full date.

Essays in Edited Collections/Book Chapters

Craig H. Roell, "The Piano in the American Home," in The Arts and the American Home, 1980-1930, ed. Jessica H. Foy and Karal Ann Marling (Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press, 1994), 194.

While book chapter citations have features that look like book and article citations, the distinctive elements are the words "in" and "ed." for editor.

Step 2: Find the Cited Source

For Books
Search the library catalog for the author and/or title. For more precise searches, use the Browse Search option. If we don't own the book, click the "Search other libraries" link under the search box to borrow from another library.

For Articles
Strategy 1: search the library catalog for the article title or use citation linker
Strategy 2: search the library catalog for the journal title. Look for the year the article was published as part of the holdings 
If we don't have the article, you can request a scan through interlibrary loan.

For Book Chapters
Search the library catalog for the editors or the title of the book (the title in italics); searches for the chapter author or title may not work. If we don't own the book, click the "Search other libraries" link under the search box to borrow it from another library or use interlibrary loan to request a scan of the needed chapter.