English 302

"A language to hear myself": Advanced Studies in Feminist Poetry and Poetics Professor: Bethany HicokSpring 2023

Digitized Magazines and Newspapers

Library Databases

Audiovisuals and Zines

Periodical Indexes/Databases

Print Magazines

The library has a rich historical collection of popular magazines in print, but it represents the background of the students attending Williams College at the time (i.e., white men). Magazines for women and people of color tend to start appearing in the collection in the late 1980s/early 1990s. Magazines can be found by searching for the title in the library catalog.

Selected Print Magazines

Time Magazine Cover, January 1976


Call Number: AP2 .T37
Dates Available: 1923-present

Life magazine cover, May 7, 1971


Call Number: AP2 .L547
Dates Available: 1936- 1972, Oct 1978-May 2000

Ebony Cover, August 1969


Call Number: E185.5 .E3
Dates Available: 1968-1983; 2000-present (print) 1945-2000 (microfilm)

Ms. magazine cover, July 1972


Call Number: HQ1101 .M55
Dates Available: 1972-present

Esquire magazine cover, July 1972


Call Number: AP2 .E845
Dates Available: 1958-1978; 2002-present (print) 1979-2001(microfilm)