Presents biographies of writers from all eras and all genres through volumes dedicated to specific types of literature and time periods. Each volume is cataloged and classed separately. Use yearbook volume for index.
Addresses the diverse historical and contemporary experiences of the Latinx community in the U.S. Covers broad topics such as identity, art, politics, religion, education, health, and history.
Provides short articles on key people, events, and ideas that have shaped the history of women in the United States. Entries include references for further reading.
Lists important events in politics, government, and economics; science, technology and medicine; arts and ideas; and society from pre-history to 1998. Arranged by year and day.
Entries fall into three main categories: poet entries, which provide biographical and cultural contexts; entries on individual works, which offer explication; and topical entries, which offer analyses of a given period of literary production.
Contains more than 2,700 biographical entries as well as more than 50 topical entries. Biographical entries outline the author's life and works, set them in their historical context, and discuss their importance.
Features essays on 100 writers of poetry, fiction, and drama in the United States who self-identified as a lesbian at some point during the 1970-1992 period of coverage. Each essay includes a biography, an analysis of major works and themes, an overview of the critical reception, and bibliographies of primary works and of critical studies and reviews.
A contemporary annotated bibliography with a thorough (and opinionated) list of feminist journals, women's newspapers, presses, distributors, and other resources. Reprints excerpts from periodicals Quest and Sinister Wisdom.
Contains entries on more than 70 periodicals published in the 19th and 20th centuries, tracing the history of women's involvement in many of the social, political, and economic issues in the United States. Each entry provides an overview of the history of the periodical and selected bibliography.
Contains entries for 75 consumer magazines read chiefly by women. Each entry discusses the publication history and social context of the magazine and includes a bibliography.