ENVI 101: Nature and Society: Reference

Nature and Society
Spring 2023

Reference Sources

About Reference Sources

The reference collection is an excellent place to begin your research if you want a quick and easy way to find: 

  • ideas for your paper 
  • a summary of a topic
  • a list of recommended resources
  • factual information

When using a reference resource:

  • Read the preface and/or introduction to understand who created it and why. These sections will also tell you what is included or excluded and how to use it.
  • Scan the table of contents to see how it is organized.
  • Note its publication date (There will be a 2 to 3 year time lag for publications included in its bibliographies).
  • Check its index if you are having trouble finding what you need.

Image of the more information icon  - Hover over this icon for more information about each database.


Research Tip: Use Reference Sources

Use Reference Sources

Begin your research by using reference sources to get: 

  • ideas for your paper 
  • overviews of a topic
  • a list of recommended resources

Go beyond Wikipedia by using librarian-recommended reference sources.

